Film & Video to DVD Transfer Service

For the past several years MB Productions has been the leading provider of film and video transfers or conversion to DVD and other digital formats. Film has a life expectancy of around 70 years before the action of moisture, temperature, light and chemical contamination will begin to severely erode your valuable family history. Most film captured in the late 1950's to 1970's are considered to be late middle aged and are now showing serious signs of decomposition. This includes loss of colour as the chemicals change, to warping and shrinkage that will actually prevent the film from being transferred. Video has a shorter life than film with image information being retained for only about 15 years before the data begins to deteriorate. Even DVD has a limited life span so it is important to transfer important and precious family visual history every 15 to 20 years or whenever new storage technology becomes predominant. The next generation of storage is more likely to be solid state memory without moving parts that are subject to mechanical damage. Feel free to call us to discuss ways of preventing important film and video being lost through the ravages of time.

M B Productions
Category: Computer Services

Mornington Street, Red Hill, QLD, 4059
04 27071742
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